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Reasons why you must have a website

The web/internet is currently the most powerful medium for disseminating information to you, as well as to any other business person, with the aim of ensuring that information about your product and/or service reaches as many customers as possible. There is no newspaper, radio station, TV station or any other traditional media that can boast of such a diverse audience as the Internet. The Internet provides excellent opportunities to be used as a channel for indirect and direct communication with customers, for placing the brand on the market, for feedback on the brand, market research, etc.

So it is unquestionable whether you should have a website. The question is how good it should be. Your website must be the best, which means exceptional design, functionality, speed and visibility.

“The Internet has changed the way we communicate, the way we learn about the world around us, and the way we conduct our business.”

Ron Wyden

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Useful information about the website

What is hosting?

Web hosting is the process of renting or buying space for hosting a website on the Internet. Website content such as text, images and design must be hosted on a server to be available online. When creating a website, in order for it to be available on the Internet, it needs to be placed on a web server. Web Server is the space where the data from your website is stored.

What is a domain?

A domain is an address on the Internet, similar to your ‘regular’ or ‘home’ address. The domain name is unique, i.e. it is not possible to have multiple domains of the same name. Primarily, domains are distinguished by the continuation (extension) after the dot. These suffixes indicate the top-level domain, and in most cases they are related to the country. The domain .ba stands for BiH domains, .si stands for Slovenian domains, .at stands for Austrian domains, etc. There are also global domains like .com, .net, .org.

The website is the personal card of your business

Yes! A website is your personal document. More precisely, it represents the personal document of your business.

In other words, your website is a promoter of your business, your services and/or products. She is your PR, your representative and ambassador on the medium called the Internet. If you don’t have a website, you are sending a message to potential customers that you are not interested in finding new customers, and that you are not on trend with new market trends.

zašto morate imati web stranicu

You are available 24/7

Clients now expect businesses, even small businesses, to be available 24/7. Business hours no longer matter because a potential customer can inquire about your services through your website whenever they want. This approach to business can increase your number of clients enormously.

This is why it is important to have a good website. A web designer must create a responsive and beautiful website for you from the very beginning. In addition to a beautiful design, in order for your business to be competitive, you need a website that is functional, well-structured and fast at the same time.

A website gives you trust and authority

Today, we live in a time where we “Google” every now and then for everything we are interested in and need. For this reason, if you do not appear in the search results, you lose confidence. You simply do not give the impression that you are a modern company that follows world trends. This makes you question how capable you are of doing your own work. An additional advantage of the website is the ability to share. Clients or users who are satisfied with your service or product can easily forward your site and give a recommendation.

With each satisfied client and his recommendation, your business grows further. This gives you authority and power in the market. The recommendation becomes your advertisement, and as such can be displayed on your website in the “testimonials” section. Also, those recommendations/reviews are also displayed on the Google search engine.

“You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.”

Albert Einstein

why you must have a website

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Be sure to invest money in search engine optimization (SEO). Search Engine Optimization, abbreviated as SEO, represents search engine optimization. It is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results.

How does SEO work? Simply put, SEO works by showing the search engine that your content is the best result for that topic.

Just having a website and a website does not guarantee that the target group (clients) will find it. As a result, your website must be built with specific keywords and phrases, meta data, page content in order to have the best possible search ranking compared to the competition.

In short, through SEO optimization, you rank your business on the Google search engine. If you have a website, without SEO optimization no one will be able to find it, nor will it be competitive on the search engine.

Although setting up pay-per-click advertising campaigns can be daunting, with a little time and effort it can be achieved for a small fee through a digital marketing agency.

Learn more about SEO HERE.

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If you own a website, you can very easily analyze your business

Thanks to numerous tools, online business is very easy to analyze. Thanks to the Google Analytics tool, it is possible to track the number of visitors to the website, where customers come from, how long they stay on the page, but what is more important is which page they left from and what percentage of visitors made a purchase. This and numerous other digital tools allow you to analyze business in real time and correct errors without guesswork, but based on timely and realistic analysis.

“When you hire people who are smarter than you, you have proven that you are smarter than them.”

R.H. Grant

We hope you have understood why you must have a website. If you have any questions, ambiguities, doubts, contact us via our web page, via email address : or by phone at 062/300-370.

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